Welcome to the
Barmby Moor Group of Parishes
The benefice comprises five village church communities, each one with its own special character but all united in doing our best to serve God our heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ his Son, guided by the Holy Spirit. The ways in which we do this vary from parish to parish so come on in – take a tour and follow the links to discover more about a particular church.
Our vision is to grow new followers of Jesus through a visible Christian presence in village life and through active participation in our church schools.
Please browse our web site to find details of each of the Churches in the group, upcoming events and readings from recent services. Service times during the pandemic are shown below. For safeguarding see http://barmbymoorgroup.co.uk/safeguarding
If you wish to get In touch email us at revmarkpoole20@gmail.com
Keep Up to Date with the
Latest Parish News and Events
Sunday 15th September
9:15am Holy Communion at St Botolph’s, Allerthorpe led by Rev’d Canon Rodney
10:45am Harvest Celebration service at St Michael’s, Thornton led by Rev’d Mark
Wednesday 18th September
10:00am Benefice Holy Communion led by Rev’d Mark