Welcome to the
Barmby Moor Group of Parishes
The benefice comprises five village church communities, each one with its own special character but all united in doing our best to serve God our heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ his Son, guided by the Holy Spirit. The ways in which we do this vary from parish to parish so come on in – take a tour and follow the links to discover more about a particular church.
Our vision -"Our love for God and for another grows deeper, and that we share this love in meaningful ways with the communities we serve, so that Church flourishes, prospers, becoming
a vibrant and permanent part of the community hub."
Please browse our web site to find details of each of the Churches in the group, normal service times, and events. For safeguarding see http://barmbymoorgroup.co.uk/safeguarding
If you wish to get In touch email us at revmarkpoole20@gmail.com

Keep Up to Date with the
Latest Parish News and Events
Details of our church services are given in Connect 5, our weekly news sheet, on this and the A Church Near You website, where you will find it on the News and Notices tab under Notice Sheets. For this and further details of our Benefice, please follow this link https://www.achurchnearyou.com/benefice/43-021CR/